How to write Business and Management Internal Assessment

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Business and Management Internal Assessment

Writing a business and management International Baccalaureate Internal Assessment may seem daunting at first, but with some basic guidance, it can be accomplished with ease. For those unfamiliar with the IB curriculum, the Internal Assessment requires students to complete a research project or investigation over the course of one year.

The aim of an IB Internal Assessment is for students to demonstrate their understanding of the IB Theory of Knowledge or Business and Management course. Students will be assessed on their ability to analyze, evaluate and present their investigation in a logical way with appropriate evidence.

At the most basic level, an IB Internal Assessment consists of four components:

  • The introduction: where the student will introduce their topic as well as provide an overview of their research questions and objectives.
  • The body: where the student outlines the methodology used, the results and analysis of their data.
  • The conclusion: where the student summarizes their findings and evaluates the results.
  • The bibliography: which lists all sources referenced in the assessment.

Writing a successful Internal Assessment requires a great deal of planning and organization, but with dedication and patience, a well-crafted report can be produced. In this guide, we will cover each step of the process from researching and documenting to writing style, analysis and evaluation, presentation, and time management. By the end, you will have a better understanding of what’s expected for a successful IB Internal Assessment.

IB Internal Assessment Objectives

An International Baccalaureate Internal Assessment is an in-depth assessment that allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a subject. It includes researching and writing a reflective report on a particular topic and provides an opportunity to think critically, apply practical skills, and build self-confidence.

The objectives of the IB Internal Assessment are to explore a specific topic, interpret and analyze data or findings, and present your conclusions in a well-structured report. By successfully completing these tasks, you will have developed a better understanding of the topic, a critical approach to problem solving, and the ability to communicate your thoughts more effectively through written and oral presentations.

This guide offers step-by-step guidance on how to produce a successful IB Internal Assessment. It provides advice on research and documentation, structure and organization, writing style, sources and referencing, quality assurance, analysis and evaluation, presentation and delivery, time management tips and more. Through the use of examples and sample assessments, it will help you gain a better understanding of the material, enabling you to create a unique and high quality IA report.

By following the instructions outlined in this guide, you can be sure that your IB Internal Assessment meets the required standards and reflects your hard work. Good luck with your project!

Research and Documentation

Writing an IB Internal Assessment is a lot of work, and the most important part of it is doing your research and documenting it. When researching, it’s best to focus on primary sources as this provides you with the most reliable information, while secondary sources can be used to supplement your research. It’s also important to be cautious when researching online, as not all sources are reliable.

Once you have completed your research, you need to document it properly so that it is easy for the examiner to understand. This includes taking notes clearly, organizing them, and citing your sources. Highlighting quotes and citing them accurately will also go a long way in improving the readability and consistency of your IA. Additionally, using a referencing system is essential for writing an IB Internal Assessment, such as the Harvard referencing style.

In order to get the most out of your research and documentation, make sure to plan ahead and make a timeline or checklist to ensure that you don’t leave any steps out. In addition, build in plenty of time to proofread and edit your work so that you can make any adjustments before submitting it.

Structure and Organization

Completing an effective Internal Assessment (IA) in Business and Management can be a daunting task. Luckily, there are certain structures and organizations that you can follow to help make the process easier.

The IA is divided into two main parts: the ‘Body’ and the ‘Conclusion’. The Body of the IA is further broken down into four sections: the introduction, literature review, methodology, and results and discussion.

Introduction: This section should contain an overview of the topic and its purpose, along with the research questions that you intend to answer.

Literature Review: The Literature Review should cover relevant background information related to your research topic. You should also include critical analysis of other works and their relevance to your own.

Methodology: In this section, you should explain the methods you used to collect data and analyze it or the methods used to evaluate a certain situation.

Results and Discussion: The Results and Discussion section should include a presentation and description of the data collected and the analysis of it. It should also contain your own interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations.

Conclusion: The conclusion should briefly summarize the entire IA. It should outline the main findings and their implications.

Following the structure and organization outlined above will help to ensure that your IA will be successful. A solid structure and organization can help guide you when writing the IA and ensure that you have answered all the questions in a logical way.

When writing your IB Internal Assessment, it is important to keep the writing style professional and concise. The writing should focus on clarity and simplicity, as this will allow the reader to understand and interpret the content more easily.

The ideal writing style for an IA is calm, composed and analytical. Avoid being overly informal, overly descriptive or highly opinionated. The tone should be formal and well-structured, following a logical line of argument. This includes using appropriate language, accurate grammar and spelling, and avoiding unnecessary repetition.

It is also important to use a writing style that is accessible to a general audience. Try to keep the reading level below grade 8, so that the content is easy to comprehend. Short sentences and simple words will help simplify the process and make it easier for the reader to learn. You should also avoid using jargon, which can be off-putting and challenging to understand.

In conclusion, when writing an IB Internal Assessment, you should remain impartial and compose your work with a professional and concise writing style. Keep your content clear, concise and accessible for the reader, with a reading level no higher than grade 8. Furthermore, ensure that your writing is structured in an organized way, making use of HTML tags and accurate referencing throughout.

Sources and Referencing

Including relevant sources and using proper referencing etiquette is an important part of the IB Internal Assessment. Sources are invaluable for providing information and for giving your work credibility, so selecting quality sources is key.

When selecting sources to include in your IA, a good place to start is academic journals and books. These tend to be reliable, up-to-date sources that can provide valuable insight into the topic you are researching. Another useful source of information is online sources, such as websites and blogs. Be sure to check the credibility of the site before you cite it, and make sure the material is up-to-date and relevant. You may also need to reference sources such as articles in newspapers or magazines.

Once you have gathered all the relevant sources, it is time to properly reference it. Reference citations should include the source’s author, title, publisher, and year of publication. Additionally, it is necessary to provide a full citation for the source in the bibliography section at the end of your IA. Depending on the style you are using, this can include details from the source such as place of publication and page numbers.

It is important to remember that proper referencing etiquette is essential for an Internal Assessment. A failure to reference your sources accurately can result in accusations of plagiarism, which could negatively impact the outcome of your IA.

Quality Assurance

Writing a successful IB Internal Assessment can be a daunting task and it is important to check your work to make sure it meets the required standards. Quality assurance is an important part of the process, as it helps you identify areas of improvement and ensure that your IA meets the criteria.

You can check your work in various ways, such as getting feedback from your peers, or visiting the IB’s website for guidance. You should also use your own judgement when reviewing your IA and ask yourself questions like: Does this answer my research question effectively? Have I included relevant information? Is my conclusion accurate? Do my sources tie together?

It may also be useful to compare your IA to other examples, to get ideas for structuring your writing or to spot any errors. A useful tool for this is to read through each section of your IA aloud, to see if anything does not even sound right. Additionally, Grammarly or other online spellcheckers can be used to pick up any small errors.

By making sure you have taken all of these steps before submitting your IA, you can ensure that your work will be of high quality and meet the expectations of the assessment criteria.

Analysis and Evaluation

When completing the Business and Management Internal Assessment, the analysis and evaluation of your collected data is key. Analysis is looking at the data you have collected and breaking it down into smaller components. Evaluating these pieces allows for deeper insight into the topic and more accurate conclusions.

When analyzing your data, be sure to look for patterns and make note of them. This will help you when it comes to drawing conclusions. For example, if you are exploring how the price of a product affects demand, you should look for any trends between the two. Did changes in price lead to changes in demand? Did one factor have more of an effect than the other? By asking yourself questions like this, it will make it easier to understand your data and draw meaningful conclusions.

Once you have analyzed your data, you should evaluate it. Evaluation is the process of interpreting your data and deciding whether or not it is accurate. To evaluate your data, ask yourself questions such as “Are the conclusions sound?”, “Did I find evidence to support my argument?”, and “What could have been done differently?”. Answering these questions will help you determine the accuracy of your findings, and identify any gaps in your study.

In summary, analysis and evaluation are important steps in completing a successful Internal Assessment. Analyze the data, look for patterns and trends, and then evaluate it to determine its accuracy. Doing so will help you draw sound conclusions and identify any gaps in your study.

Presentation and Delivery are vital when it comes to writing an effective Business and Management IB Internal Assessment. Your IA is like a puzzle; all of the pieces have to fit together to make up the final product. As such, having the correct presentation and delivery for your IA is essential to making sure that the reader understands your argument and the evidence you have provided to support it.

When thinking about presentation and delivery, there are several aspects to consider. First, make sure that you focus on clarity. Keep your sentences short but informative and make sure that your ideas are structured in a logical order. You should also avoid using overly complex vocabulary and jargon, as this can make it difficult for the reader to understand.

It is also important to make sure that you are consistent with your formatting. Make sure that you maintain a consistent font throughout the essay, and use headings and subheadings to help the reader understand the structure of your IA. Additionally, use bullet points or numbers whenever possible to emphasize key points. This will help to ensure that your IA is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to read.

Finally, make sure that your conclusion is concise but ties everything together. Summarize the topic and provide the reader with a final answer to the question posed in the IA. Doing so will provide closure to your IA and help the reader understand your argument.

By following these guidelines, you will be able to present a high-quality IA that is both well-structured and easy to read.

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Time Management Tips for Writing an IB Internal Assessment

Writing a Business and Management IB Internal Assessment can be daunting, especially when it comes to managing your time. To help you get the most out of your available time, here are a few tips on how to stay organized and efficient.

  • Make a Schedule: Creating a schedule can help you stay on track and use your time more wisely. Be sure to take into account breaks and any extra-curricular activities you may have. Set achievable daily goals and plan ahead to avoid rushing.
  • Break Down Your Task: Breaking down large tasks into smaller parts can help you get a better handle on your IA. Map out the steps you need to take and set aside time for each task. This will also make it easier to ensure that you have not missed any important points.
  • Take Regular Breaks: Taking regular breaks will help keep you focused and energized. Make sure to take breaks away from your work environment, such as going for a walk or having a snack. This will allow your mind to rest and recharge.
  • Use Online Tools: There are many online tools available to help you manage your work load. From apps that block distracting websites to automatic reminders, these tools can make your life much easier.

By following these tips, you should be able to efficiently manage your time and get the most out of your Business and Management IB Internal Assessment.


Writing an IB Internal Assessment in Business and Management can seem like a daunting task, but with the help of this guide, you should now have a better understanding of the process. You should now be familiar with the objectives, research and documentation, structure, writing style, sources and referencing, quality assurance, analysis and evaluation, presentation and delivery, time management tips and how to make use of a sample IA.

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the basics of the IA, there are plenty of further resources and additional pointers out there for you to take advantage of.

Writing an IB Internal Assessment is no easy feat, but having a clear understanding of the basic principles will put you in good stead to successfully complete one. 

We hope this guide has helped shed light on the various stages and processes involved and given you the confidence to start your IA. Good luck!

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a passionate educator, marketer, and management expert with over 15 years of experience in the education sector. After graduating from business school in 2016, Nick embarked on a journey to earn his PhD, fueled by his dedication to making education better for students everywhere. His extensive experience, beginning in 2008, has made him a trusted authority in the field.

Nick's groundbreaking article, published in Routledge's "Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization," showcases his keen insights and commitment to improving the educational landscape. Guided by his motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to simplify students' lives and promote efficiency in learning. His innovative ideas and leadership have helped transform countless educational experiences, setting him apart as a true pioneer in his field.

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