How to write Philosophy IA

Table of Contents

Philosophy internal assessment is a type of academic writing that requires students to apply theoretical knowledge to answer a specific research question. It is designed to test your ability to reflect on and evaluate philosophical arguments and ideas, as well as providing evidence to support your own claims. It helps to develop critical thinking skills and can be used to support further learning.

An internal assessment for philosophy is usually in the form of an essay or paper, which will typically discuss something from the history of philosophy, such as the works of ancient philosophers like Aristotle or modern theorists like Marx. Internal assessments are often used to assess understanding at the end of a course or topic, but can also be requested by teachers during the course.

It is important to know how to approach a philosophy internal assessment in order to be successful. The guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the process, starting with researching and preparing right through to summarizing and concluding.

How to write Philosophy IA

Research Sources for Philosophy Internal Assessment

Conducting research for an internal assessment in philosophy is an important step in the process of writing a successful paper. If you want to achieve top marks, it is essential that you use reliable sources of information to back up your argument.

The first step is to narrow down your topic and decide on the specifics of what you are researching. Once you have settled on your focus, it’s time to look for sources that will support your argument.

There are many different sources of information and resources available to the student of philosophy. These include libraries, online databases, scholarly journals, encyclopedias, and books written by philosophers.

Libraries are a great place to start your research. Most libraries have a philosophy section that is full of books, journals, and other resources. Here you can find classic works of philosophy, as well as more recent publications.

Online databases are another useful source of information. Sites such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Ebscohost provide access to academic journals, books, and articles on a variety of topics. These databases can be a great way to find additional material for your assessment.

Scholarly journals are another excellent option for researching philosophy. Journals such as The Philosophical Quarterly and The British Journal for the History of Philosophy are invaluable sources of information. They are a great way to get a deeper understanding of a particular topic or idea.

Books written by philosophers are also a great resource. You may be able to find some of the classics in your library, but you can also find books by contemporary philosophers online or in bookstores.

Encyclopedias can be helpful when it comes to understanding philosophical concepts. There are several encyclopedias available online, and these can be a good starting point when trying to familiarize yourself with different branches of philosophy.

Finally, don’t forget to consult your teacher or professor. They can be an excellent source of information and can provide guidance on how to interpret certain ideas and concepts.

In conclusion, it is important to do your research before you start writing your internal assessment in philosophy. With the right sources, you can be sure that your argument is well-supported and that your assessment will be successful.

Outlining Your Argument

Creating an effective outline for your philosophy internal assessment is essential for its success. Without a well-thought out structure, you’ll find yourself struggling to communicate your argument in a clear and organized manner.

Start by gathering all the resources you could possibly need. This should include relevant books, articles, and any other information sources. It’s important that you can quickly access these resources when needed.

Once you have your sources, it’s time to begin outlining the essay. Begin by thinking about the main points you wish to cover and forming a working thesis statement. This statement will act as the central premise of your argument and should be the starting point for each of your subpoints.

Next, break down the argument into smaller chunks. For example, if you are discussing the concept of utilitarianism, break it down into smaller concepts such as the role of happiness in morality, the various forms of utilitarianism, and the ethicists associated with them.

When creating your outline, ensure that it flows logically from one point to the next. This will help you stay on track and ensure that each point flows seamlessly from the one before it. Additionally, you should also make sure to clearly state any counter-arguments you plan to address and your response to them.

Finally, after you have finished mapping out the main points of your argument, make sure to review them carefully. This will help you identify any weak points or logical fallacies in your argument before you begin writing the actual essay.

By following these steps, you will be able to create an effective outline that will serve as the backbone of your internal assessment. An outline that clearly articulates the main points of your argument will give you a much better chance of producing a successful internal assessment.

Writing the Essay

Before writing an essay, make sure you have a clear idea of the topic at hand and are familiar with the other materials your instructor has given. Make sure you follow any instructions provided about structure, length, deadline, font size, and other formatting requirements.

One way to start your essay is to do research around your topic. Read as much as you can about it and make notes of key points or arguments that you come across. This will help to ensure you have all the information you need when it’s time to sit down and write the essay.

As you write the essay, think about how you want to present the argument. Is there a logical order to follow? Are there facts supporting the claims you make? Does your essay flow logically from one point to the next? Think carefully about these questions as you write, and strive to make every sentence contribute to your overall argument.

Revision is another important part of the essay writing process. Spend time proofreading your work to check for errors in grammar and spelling, and read through it again make sure your arguments are organized in a logical way. Asking someone else to look over your work can also be helpful, so consider having another person double-check to ensure everything makes sense.

Writing an essay for philosophy is challenging, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Taking the time to plan ahead, research, structure your essay, and revise it can make all the difference in producing a successful internal assessment.

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Editing & Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are an essential part of the internal assessment process, and they are vital to ensure that your paper looks professional, is well written and contains no errors. Editing and proofreading will help you refine your arguments and make sure that everything is expressed accurately and in a coherent manner.

When self-editing your work, it is important to read through it several times to make sure that all of your points flow logically together, and that anything you have written is accurate and well-supporting. You should also take a look at the structure of your paper, making sure that each section serves a purpose and builds upon one another in a logical way. Additionally, you should make sure that all of your references are formatted correctly according to your chosen style guide.

When proofreading your work, it is important to look out for any small errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and formatting. These may seem small, but they can make a big difference to how your teacher views your paper, and they could even cause you to lose valuable marks. Additionally, you should make sure that there are no factual inaccuracies in your paper; otherwise your argument will not be valid.

Finally, it can be beneficial to ask someone else to read through your paper and give you feedback. This could be a friend, family member, or teacher. They will be able to look at your work with a fresh pair of eyes, which can be invaluable in ensuring that your paper is perfect.

In conclusion, taking the time to edit and proofread your internal assessment is absolutely vital to ensure that it is as good as it can be. Doing so will help you improve your arguments, get rid of any small mistakes, and make sure that your paper is a success.

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When writing a philosophy internal assessment, it is essential to format and reference the sources you use correctly. This is vitally important, as it provides evidence of your understanding of the research conducted, and also allows your reader to check on the reliability of the sources you have quoted.

There are many different citation styles used in academic writings, and it is important that you adhere to the style guidelines given in your assessment instructions. Common examples of citation formats include APA, MLA, and Chicago Style.

Some helpful online resources can be found to help you understand each style, and to learn the conventions for referencing each type of source material. You should check with your institution for recommended referencing style guides and tools.

Additionally, some universities may require you to use a specific referencing style, or provide a downloadable template to assist you in formatting your references correctly. If you are using a University library resource then you may also find helpful tutorials online.

Furthermore, you can use free online citation and reference generators, such as CiteThisForMe and NoodleTools, to help you generate and format your citations and references in a range of citation styles.

It is essential to ensure you have properly referenced all sources that you quote in your philosophy internal assessment, as this will demonstrate your knowledge of the topic and add credibility to your work.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When writing a philosophy assessment, it is important to be aware of the common errors of fact, logic and conclusion that can lead to a lower mark on your paper. To help you avoid making these types of mistakes, we’ve put together a list of key points to bear in mind when crafting your internal assessment.

Errors of Fact

The most common type of mistake made when completing a philosophy assessment is factual errors. These occur when the facts or data used to support your argument are wrong, out of date, or misrepresented. Examples of errors of fact include using outdated sources, using inaccurate statistics, misquoting someone, and interpreting something incorrectly. To avoid these types of errors, make sure you are using reliable sources, double-checking your facts, and carefully considering any data you include.

Errors of Logic

Another critical mistake to avoid is errors of logic. Logic errors involve incorrect reasoning, either by drawing the wrong conclusion or reaching an unconvincing conclusion as a result of insufficient evidence. To prevent errors of logic, it’s important to use sound arguments and provide evidence to back up each point you make. Additionally, make sure to address any possible counter-arguments to your points and provide appropriate responses to them.

Errors of Conclusion

Finally, errors of conclusion refer to mistakenly drawing the wrong overall conclusion from your essay. This happens when your argument does not fully support your main thesis statement and so the reader ends up with an incomplete understanding of your point. To avoid errors of conclusion, make sure to revisit your thesis statement periodically and ensure that your argument has not gone off track.

By being aware of these errors of fact, logic and conclusion, you can ensure that your philosophy assessment is of the highest standard. Paying attention to details and double checking your facts can help you avoid making mistakes and gain the best grade possible for your paper.

Handling Time Pressure

When it comes to attempting any kind of assessment like a philosophy internal assessment, it is very important to know how to handle time pressure. This is because it can be easy to become overwhelmed when trying to complete the assessment within the designated timeframe.

In order to handle this pressure, you should first make sure that you are well-prepared for the assessment. This means doing some research ahead of time in order to have an understanding of the topic before attempting the assessment. Additionally, you should familiarize yourself with the format and structure of the type of assessment you are taking.

Secondly, you should focus on the most important aspects of the assessment. It is better to concentrate on the main points rather than getting bogged down by too many details. You should also plan out your time and manage it more efficiently. Make sure to allot enough time for researching, writing, editing, and proofreading.

Other tips for handling time pressure include breaking the assessment into smaller tasks, setting realistic goals, and working on tasks throughout the day instead of cramming all at once. Additionally, remember to take regular breaks in order to maintain focus and energy levels.

By following the above suggestions and developing good time management skills, you can effectively handle the time pressure associated with completing a philosophy internal assessment.

Using Technology for Philosophy Internal Assessment

Technology can be a great tool to help make your philosophy internal assessment easier and more effective. Whether you are researching resources, doing background reading or writing and editing your essay, there are plenty of digital resources available.

When it comes to research sources, many libraries have databases where you can find scholarly articles and other relevant information. A lot of these databases have advanced search functions which allow you to narrow down your search and get more precise results. As well, many online journals and websites provide free access to their content, giving you even more reading material to draw from.

Writing software can also help to streamline the process. Many products have features such as auto-complete, spell-check and grammar assistance that can help spot errors and improve the quality of your work. Working with an editor? They may have an online platform where you can easily collaborate with each other.

Referencing tools are becoming increasingly popular for quickly citing sources in your essay. This can help prevent accidental plagiarism, an all-too-common source of marks being deducted from your work. Finally, presentation software such as PowerPoint or Prezi can help you create effective visual aids for presenting your ideas.

Ultimately, using technology for your philosophy internal assessment can make the process easier, faster, and more effective. You might even be able to make new discoveries that you may not have made by using traditional methods!

Sample Assessment – Example of an Internal Assessment

When it comes to writing an internal assessment for philosophy, it is important to provide examples of the type of work that can be achieved. To do this, you should read through sample papers and make sure you understand the structure, as well as the components needed to make your paper stand out.

An example of an internal assessment would include an introduction, body of evidence, and conclusion. The introduction should draw in the reader and contain a thesis statement that gives the essay direction. The body of the essay should provide evidence to support the claims made in the introduction. Each point should be backed up with research from scholarly sources. Lastly, the conclusion should restate the main points of the essay and leave the reader with the ultimate takeaway.

In terms of specific content, the subject matter should remain relevant to the topic or question at hand. All evidence provided should be recent, accurate, and support the arguments made in the essay. The overall structure of the paper should be logical, clear, and concise. Lastly, any quotes or referenced sources should be properly cited in the accepted style.

By understanding what a successful sample paper looks like, it can serve as a guide to help you write your own paper. This will give you the tools necessary to create an effective, well-structured internal assessment that will get the highest possible mark.


This guide has been designed to help students complete their philosophy internal assessment with confidence. We have looked at all the stages required to write an effective paper, from researching and planning to proofreading and referencing.

We started by introducing what philosophy internal assessment is and where to find reliable information and resources. Next, we discussed how outlining can help you plan your argument and create a logical structure for your essay. After that, we addressed the importance of self-editing and working with other readers to improve your paper. Then, we explained different citation styles and where to find additional help. We also discussed common mistakes to look out for and how to handle time pressure. Finally, we provided suggestions on incorporating technology into the assessment and included a sample paper to get you inspired.

By following this guide, you should be able to approach your philosophy internal assessment with confidence and write a paper that will be awarded top marks. Remember to remember the key points discussed in this guide: research thoroughly, keep a clear structure, use correct citation styles and get your editing done well in advance. Good luck!

The Benefits of a Philosophy Internal Assessment

Writing a philosophy internal assessment is not only a great way to challenge yourself, but it gives you the opportunity to display your understanding of the subject and showcase your ability to think deeply and constructively on a particular topic.

By completing an internal assessment, you can further your understanding of the underlying principles of philosophy and understand the links between ideas more thoroughly. It also demonstrates to future universities that you have the skills required to accurately and concisely express your own arguments, which can be a valuable asset during any interview process.

Most importantly, working on an internal assessment provides an invaluable learning experience. Whether you’re working alone or with a group of peers, the process of researching, outlining, writing and editing will help you become a better philosopher and a better student in general. By participating in a rigorous and thoughtful assessment, you will gain the confidence and knowledge needed to succeed in a wide variety of academic and professional pursuits.

If you’re ready to take on the challenge of a philosophy internal assessment then why not get started today? You may be surprised at just how much you can learn from the experience.

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a passionate educator, marketer, and management expert with over 15 years of experience in the education sector. After graduating from business school in 2016, Nick embarked on a journey to earn his PhD, fueled by his dedication to making education better for students everywhere. His extensive experience, beginning in 2008, has made him a trusted authority in the field.

Nick's groundbreaking article, published in Routledge's "Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization," showcases his keen insights and commitment to improving the educational landscape. Guided by his motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to simplify students' lives and promote efficiency in learning. His innovative ideas and leadership have helped transform countless educational experiences, setting him apart as a true pioneer in his field.

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