Scientific Methods in the IB Geography Internal Assessment
When writing the IB Geography Internal Assessment, it is important to understand the theoretical framework within which the work is produced. This means researching and utilising scientific methods and techniques to collect, analyse and interpret data. This data can then be used to answer the research question and complete the IA.
The scientific approach is used to ensure that the IA is written with an evidence-based and objective perspective. This will provide a strong foundation for the IA, ensuring that the conclusions are valid and reliable. As such, it is important to use a variety of scientific methods as part of the IA.
These methods include survey design, sampling techniques, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis and case studies. In addition, it is important to identify and consider the limitations of using each method to ensure that the conclusions reached are accurate. For example, surveys are a useful method but may not provide detailed insights into an issue.
Using scientific methods and analysing data collected through these methods will help form the basis of the IA. This data can then be used to formulate arguments, draw conclusions and make recommendations which can be written in the report.
Research Process
The research process for an IB Geography Internal Assessment is a crucial part of the assessment and requires careful planning. The student must first decide on a topic and formulate a research question. Once the topic and research question have been decided, the student should begin to gather data that can be used to answer the question.
When selecting a topic for the IA, it is important for the student to choose something relevant to the IB Geography course. After this has been done, the student needs to identify the key sources of data that need to be obtained in order to answer their research question. Depending on the research topic, these sources could include interviews, surveys, journals, books, newspapers or other websites. In addition, the student must also consider which type of data would be most appropriate for the question being asked.
Once the sources of data have been identified, the student needs to plan how this data will be gathered. They should consider the practicalities of conducting surveys or interviews, and whether any permissions are needed. In addition, the student should think about how the data will be recorded and stored.
Having gathered the data, the student should then develop a research method that will allow them to analyze the data and answer the research question. This method should consider the skills, knowledge and resources available to the student. Once the research method has been decided upon, the student can start to analyze the data and draw conclusions.
Finally, the student needs to formulate the research question in order to provide focus and structure to their IA. The research question should be concise, yet comprehensive enough to allow the student to answer the question through their analysis of the data.
By following these steps, the student will be well placed to start writing their IB Geography Internal Assessment.
The IA requires a clear assessment of the data gathered in order to be successful. Through careful analysis and evaluation of the data, students can create an informative report which accurately informs their conclusion.
When assessing and evaluating the data, there are a number of different approaches that can be used which depend largely on the type of data being assessed. If the data consists of numerical values, then statistical methods such as regression analysis, correlation and standard deviation can be used. If qualitative data has been gathered, then other methods such as content analysis and discourse analysis can be used.
It is also important to consider the validity and reliability of the data when evaluating. Validity is concerned with whether or not the data is relevant and accurate, and reliability is concerned with how consistent the data is over time. This should be done to ensure that the most reliable results are presented in the report.
When evaluating the data, more than one method should be used whenever possible. This allows students to triangulate their data, making it easier to draw a valid conclusion. Additionally, it is important to be aware of any potential sources of bias which could have an impact on the data.
Ultimately, the aim of data analysis and evaluation is to identify and discuss relationships between the data points and draw meaningful conclusions from these. By doing this, students are able to write a comprehensive report which shows that they have an understanding of the theory discussed in the course material.
Relevance to Course Material
If you are writing an Internal Assessment for IB Geography, then it is important to ensure that the topic of your IA is relevant to the course material. This means that it must be related to the topics that have been discussed in class, and must be in line with the standards expected by the International Baccalaureate.
For example, if you have studied the distribution of population in a particular region in class, it would be appropriate to use this as the focus of your IA by researching how population density affects the availability of services in the area.
In addition to being relevant to the course material, it is also important to ensure that your IA contributes to the development of knowledge within a specific subject area. For example, if you are researching the impact of climate change, your IA should offer new insights into the ways in which it is affecting the local environment.
Ultimately, the purpose of the IA is to demonstrate that you understand the concepts addressed in the syllabus, and can apply them to real-world situations. By selecting a relevant topic and conducting a thorough research process, you will be able to fulfill this purpose and successfully complete your Internal Assessment.
Writing the Report
Writing the IB Geography Internal Assessment report is an important part of the process and it must be structured correctly for it to meet the guidelines and expectations of the assessment. It is important to include the following sections in your report:
- Introduction – This should provide an outline of the problem or question being answered and introduce the context and importance of the IA.
- Methods – This should explain the methods used to collect data, the specific tools employed, and the data sources consulted.
- Analysis – This should include a clear description of the analysis that was done with the data to arrive at your conclusions.
- Conclusion – Your conclusions should be directly related to your original research question and must include a discussion of their validity and importance.
Each section of the report should be well researched, clearly written, and strictly adhere to the accepted structure and formatting guidelines.
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The introduction should be no longer than one page and should include a succinct definition of both the research question and expected outcome. The methods section should include a clear description of the steps taken to gather data, as well as a detailed account of both the process and the results. The analysis should contain a comprehensive explanation of how the data was processed and its implications. Lastly, the conclusion should clearly summarise the findings of your IA, its potential implications, and how it relates to course material.
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Referencing in IB Geography Internal Assessment
When writing an Internal Assessment (IA) for IB Geography, you need to ensure that all sources cited within the IA are correctly referenced. Referencing is the practice of including short details of the sources used in your work so that readers can easily find and check the original source.
The correct reference format for an IB Geography IA is typically the Harvard Referencing System, which uses both footnotes and a bibliography. Footnotes should be included at the bottom of the page whenever a source is referenced, usually in the form of a number or symbol.
The bibliography at the end of the IA should include full details of the sources used – author’s name, title of publication, publisher, date of publication, place of publication and page numbers where relevant.
Make sure that you include the correct references for any quotes, diagrams, data or other information taken from other sources. Failure to do so may be considered plagiarism, which is an offence and could lead to disqualification.
In order to make referencing as simple as possible, it is recommended to use a referencing tool such as Zotero or EndNote. Both of these free online tools allow you to store and organise your sources in one place, ensuring that it is easy to cite them in your IA.
When it comes to submitting the IB Geography Internal Assessment, you need to make sure that it is formatted correctly. This means paying attention to simple things like page numbers and margins. It is important to adhere to the rules and regulations set by the IB examination board.
It is necessary to include page numbers on all pages of the IA, not just the title page. This ensures that the markers can easily navigate through your IA even if they lose track. Additionally, make sure that the pages are numbered in a consistent manner. For example, you could use the following format: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
The margins of the IA must adhere to the standard sizes. Each page should have at least a one-inch margin, with the top margin being slightly larger (1.25 inches). The left margin should also be slightly larger than the right margin (1.5 inches). This allows for a better reading experience for the markers.
Finally, ensure that the font size and style is consistent throughout the IA. A standard font size of 12 and font type of Times New Roman or Arial should be used. Otherwise, the IA may appear unprofessional and be hard to read for the examiners.
Adhering to these formatting guidelines is essential for achieving a high grade in the IB Geography Internal Assessment. By ensuring that you meet the formatting requirements, you can rest assured that your IA will be well-received by the examiners.
Submission Guidelines
When you have completed writing your IB Geography Internal Assessment, you will need to submit it in the correct format. This is an important step, as submitting the wrong format or not adhering to the submission guidelines can lead to a lower mark.
The submission requirements may vary slightly depending on the school and the examiner, but generally you should ensure that you use a standard font such as Arial or Times New Roman, double-spaced, with 12pt font size. You should also make sure that you include a title page, as well as a table of contents for the document.
You may also need to upload a digital copy of the IA to a specific platform. Make sure to read the instructions carefully and pay attention to the maximum word count, if specified. It is also important to include any charts, illustrations or photographs used in the IA in the correct file format.
Finally, check that everything is properly cited – both within the body of the IA, as well as in the bibliography – using the referencing system specified. This could be either the APA or Harvard style depending on the examiner’s preference.
Feedback from Examination Board
It is important to understand what kind of feedback you can expect once you have submitted your IB Geography Internal Assessment. This feedback from the examination board is extremely valuable, as it can provide insights on how to improve future attempts.
Once you have successfully submitted your IA, you will receive an email with a digital record of submission. Then, within 2-4 weeks, you will receive a detailed report of your performance. This report will include a score ranging from 0 – 7 combined with comments which explain how the board arrived at that score.
The comments will usually focus on two areas: content and style. Content related comments should indicate whether you have included all relevant data, displayed a clear and consistent line of argument, and adequately answered the research question.
The style-related comments will cover aspects such as the clarity of writing, level of accuracy and the amount of detail included. These comments should provide useful insight into how the IA needs to be structured, formatted and written for any future attempts.
Overall, the feedback from the examination board should have the power to positively influence the quality of your work over time, so it’s important to understand and learn from their comments.
Tips and Strategies
Writing a successful IB Geography Internal Assessment (IA) requires careful planning and strong research skills. Here are some tips and strategies to help ensure that your IA is well-structured, informative and meets the required assessment criteria.
- Research thoroughly. Investigate the topic in depth and ensure that all relevant sources are included in the research. If a particular concept needs further explanation, investigate it further and include this in the IA.
- Organize the information logically. Draw up an outline of the IA before starting the report and organize the information into main points and sub-points.
- Use clear language. Use concise and precise language throughout the IA. Avoid using excessive technical jargon as this may be difficult for the reader to follow.
- Referencing. It is essential that references are included for all sources used in the IA. Referencing should be done accurately in accordance with the IB guidelines.
- Formatting. Make sure the IA is formatted correctly. The format should be consistent throughout and adhere to the style of referencing. Any diagrams, photographs or tables should be neatly labelled.
- Proofread. Once the IA is complete, it is important to proofread it thoroughly. Check for any grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes before submitting it.
By following these tips and strategies, students can improve the quality of their IB Geography Internal Assessment.
Writing an IB Geography Internal Assessment- Concluding Thoughts
Writing a successful IB Geography Internal Assessment is an important part of the IB Diploma Program. As such, it is important to understand the criteria for success and how to go about writing the IA in order to achieve the best possible grade.
The IB Geography Internal Assessment requires the student to demonstrate research, analysis, and evaluation skills. Research should be targeted towards the chosen topic and the results should be analyzed to answer the research question. This analysis should then be evaluated using scientific methods and course materials relevant to the assessment.
Writing the report should be organized into different sections, according to the criteria set out by the IB board. The sources used in the IA should be properly cited and referenced, following the method prescribed by IB. Special attention should also be paid to formatting when submitting the completed work.
Finally, the IA can be improved with feedback from the examination board as well as additional tips and strategies. All of these elements are important when constructing a successful IB Geography Internal Assessment.
- Last edit 17 JUL 2024

Nick Radlinsky
Nick Radlinsky is a passionate educator, marketer, and management expert with over 15 years of experience in the education sector. After graduating from business school in 2016, Nick embarked on a journey to earn his PhD, fueled by his dedication to making education better for students everywhere. His extensive experience, beginning in 2008, has made him a trusted authority in the field.
Nick's groundbreaking article, published in Routledge's "Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization," showcases his keen insights and commitment to improving the educational landscape. Guided by his motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to simplify students' lives and promote efficiency in learning. His innovative ideas and leadership have helped transform countless educational experiences, setting him apart as a true pioneer in his field.