Global Politics IB IA Topics

Table of Contents

Internal assessment is an important part of IB studies. It is an independent research project that allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a particular field of study. IA is a great way for students to showcase their skills and competencies in areas such as critical thinking and analysis, writing and evaluation. Global politics topics offer an insightful and comprehensive approach to IA topics and provide an excellent opportunity for students to explore real-world issues.

The topics of global politics are very broad and encompass almost all aspects of current political and economic realities. Therefore, IB students have the chance to research and write about a wide range of subjects, from international relations, to global governance and climate change. By researching and analyzing these topics, students gain knowledge and understanding of the ways in which different actors with different interests interact in a complex world.

IB students are aiming to become well rounded, globally aware individuals. By studying global politics topics, students can deepen their understanding of the workings of the world around them and gain insight into how existing systems can be altered and improved. IA topics related to global politics can provide students the platform to critically analyze current issues and think outside the box when finding solutions.

Ultimately, global politics IA topics offer IB students the opportunity to develop their understanding of the international system and make sense of the complexities of our globalized world. It is through this process of deepened understanding that students can create a more progressive, peaceful and equal future.

Global Politics IB IA Topics

Linking Global Politics to Other IB Subjects

Global politics is a fascinating subject that is important for all International Baccalaureate (IB) students to understand. As well as being interesting in and of itself, global politics often intersects with other IB disciplines such as psychology and economics. Understanding these linkages and implications can help you to gain a better understanding of the world around us.

For example, globalization has a huge effect on global politics and different theories are used to explain the impact of globalization on relations between nations. At the same time, globalization can also have an effect on international trade and economic theory. Therefore, when studying global politics, it is important to consider the implications for other areas of study such as economics and psychology.

In addition, it is important to be aware of the ethical considerations of global politics. Questions surrounding human rights, justice, and power dynamics are all key considerations which have implications not only for global politics but also psychology and economics. For example, when studying the effects of economic policies, it is important to consider the ethical implications and take into account the potential effects of those policies on people’s rights and well-being.

IB students studying global politics should become familiar with the linkages between this subject and its related fields of study. Being able to think critically about these connections can help to deepen your understanding of global politics and will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to create an informed internal assessment project.

Exploring Global Political Theories

When writing on a global politics topic, it is important to understand the theories that form the basis of much of the analysis and discussion. Three of the most popular theories are realism, liberalism and constructivism. Let’s take a closer look at each one.


Realism is focused primarily on the nation-state. Supporters of this theory believe that all international relations should be viewed from the perspective of individual states and their interests rather than any type of global connection. In other words, it is assumed that states will act in their own self-interest in the international arena, no matter the cost.


Liberalism is a competing theory to realism, and it argues that a focus on cooperation and international organizations should be seen as the standard for international relations. It emphasizes the idea of collective security, which is the idea that states can find a way to increase their collective security through collective action.


Constructivism takes a different approach to international relations. It is based on the idea that identities and interests are constructed by ideas, values and norms. As such, adherents to this theory attempt to understand international relations based on how ideas and beliefs—rather than power or geopolitics—shape decisions and behavior.

By understanding these three common theories, you will have a better understanding of the discussions and debates related to global politics. Knowing where particular arguments come from can help you develop your own complex thesis and have a richer discussion in your internal assessment.

Types of Global Political Questions

When it comes to global politics, there are many different types of questions you may be faced with. For example, you may be asked to analyse the impact of regional tensions on global markets, explore the ethical implications of a particular political decision or evaluate the effectiveness of political strategies in different countries. These kinds of questions can challenge even the most experienced IB student!

However, by exploring different political theories you can better understand which approach best suits the questions posed. For instance, if the question focuses on power dynamics between countries then realism may be the most suitable theory. If the question is centred around international agreements and cooperation then liberalism may be the better option. Constructivism is best used when analysing how certain groups interact within global politics.

To further explore the types of questions you may need to answer in global politics it’s useful to look at some examples:

  • What has been the impact of Brexit on the European Union?
  • How does nationalism shape regional relationships today?
  • What measures can be taken to reduce global poverty?

By understanding the type of questions being asked and the theory needed to answer them, you can create a comprehensive study of global politics for your internal assessment.

Examples of Global Politics Internal Assessment Projects

When it comes to Global Politics, there are a variety of topics and internal assessment projects that IB students can explore. Some examples of internal assessment projects related to global politics include:

  • Analysis of current political events.
  • Comparative analysis of different political systems.
  • Historical study of political events.
  • Examining the role of international organizations.
  • Exploring different views on global economic policies.
  • Research into the causes of international conflicts.

Each of these topics cater to the different interests of students. For example, if you’re interested in political science and international relations then focusing on current political events would be a great opportunity to learn more about the field. On the other hand, if you’re more interested in economics then researching the effects of global economic policies would be a great choice. Ultimately, the topic you choose should reflect your interest and provide an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and research skills.

It is also important to make sure you pick a project that is within your capabilities. It is better to focus on developing a few key topics rather than trying to cover too much information. This will help ensure that your work is well-researched and focused on a specific area of global politics.

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Benefits of Selecting a Global Politics Topic

Writing an Internal Assessment for your Global Politics course can be an exciting task, and selecting the right topic will help set you up for success. Considering topics related to global politics can provide students with a wide range of benefits for their internal assessment task.

One of the primary advantages of choosing a global politics-related topic is that there are countless topics to choose from. From geopolitical tensions to domestic policy, there is no shortage of topics to explore. You can choose a topic that interests you and explore it to the fullest extent.

Another benefit of selecting a global politics-related topic is that it gives you the opportunity to explore and practice your critical thinking skills. Writing an internal assessment related to global politics offers you the opportunity to look deeper at current events and analyze them in ways you may not have considered before. This can help bridge the gap between theoretical and real-world thinking and provide more practical ways of looking at current issues.

Finally, by exploring a global politics-related topic, you can also learn more about different cultures, traditions, and values. Through your research, you can learn more about the world around you and gain a greater appreciation for it. This knowledge can also help you become a better global citizen and understand how your actions affect those around you.

By selecting a topic related to global politics for your internal assessment, you can gain invaluable knowledge, experience, and insight. Although this may take extra effort, the rewards are definitely worth it, and you will be better prepared for whatever comes your way in the future.

Research Process: An Overview

When it comes to researching a global politics internal assessment, there is an established process you should follow. This process includes three key steps: choosing a research question, developing a methodology, and creating an outline.

Choosing Your Research Question

The first step in the research process is to choose a research question that accurately reflects the topic you plan to cover in your internal assessment. This should be a broad yet specific question that can be answered through your research, such as “What are the economic impacts of Brexit?”

Developing a Methodology

Once you have chosen your research question, it is time to develop a methodology for how you will collect and analyze data. Depending on your chosen topic, this could involve conducting interviews, surveying experts, or referencing existing datasets. Make sure to include a clear explanation of the methods you used in your report.

Creating an Outline

The final step in the research process is to create an outline. This should include an introduction, key points, a conclusion and the sources you consulted during your research. Drawing up an outline will help you stay focused and organized while writing the internal assessment.


Researching a global politics internal assessment may seem daunting at first, but by breaking it down into three manageable steps – choosing a research question, developing a methodology, and creating an outline – you can ensure that you work efficiently and produce a high-quality report.

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Writing Your Internal Assessment

Writing an internal assessment for a global politics topic can seem daunting but it doesn’t have to be. It’s really important to plan your work and understand how to structure your paper. Here are some tips on how to write a successful internal assessment.

Outline the Key Steps for Composing a Successful Internal Assessment

The first step is to create an outline of what you want to include in your paper. This should include the introduction, body and conclusion. Make sure that you clearly explain what your argument is and how you will be using evidence to support it.

Writing an Introduction

Your introduction should be brief and concise. It should explain the main points of your paper and why it is important to explore them. You should also outline any theories you will be discussing and provide a brief overview of the evidence that you plan to use.

Writing a Conclusion

Your conclusion should wrap up the key points of the paper. Remind the reader of the main argument and how your evidence supports it. Include any additional thoughts or implications that you believe relate to the topic. Conclude your paper on a positive note.

Balancing Argument with Evidence

A successful internal assessment needs to balance argument with evidence. Make sure that you discuss all sides of the argument and provide sufficient evidence to support each point. Use reliable sources and make sure to reference them correctly.

Overall, writing an internal assessment for a global politics topic can be a fulfilling academic experience. With careful planning and consideration during the research and writing process it is possible produce a successful and well-structured piece of work.

Referencing Sources

When researching a global political topic, correctly referencing sources is essential. Referencing shows where you have sourced your evidence, allowing the reader to check if it is credible and allowing them to track down the source should they wish to. It also allows you to acknowledge other people’s work and is key to being academically and ethically sound.

The IB expects students to use both in-text citations and a detailed bibliography when completing their internal assessments. In-text citations are placed inside the text in brackets and include the author’s surname and the year of publication, e.g. (Smith, 2020). A bibliography provides detailed information about the books, articles and other documents used in the research.

Different subjects require different types of referencing, with the most common are MLA, APA and Chicago. It is important that you choose the correct style for your internal assessment, as otherwise points will be deducted. If you are unsure, double check against the IB guide.

When using online sources, make sure you reference them correctly and only ever use reliable sources. Consider the credentials of the author, the reliability of the publisher and the currency of the material. The library at your school or college may be able to offer guidance on this.

Finally, if you need help with referencing, there are many useful tools, such as citation generators, websites and reference lists available online. You can also find further tips on referencing in the IB resources page.

Understanding Assessment Criteria

Writing an internal assessment for global politics can often be intimidating, with so much to consider. One of the most important steps in producing a successful assessment is ensuring you meet all of the criteria in order to receive the highest marks possible. This article aims to provide a guide to understanding assessment criteria.

Firstly, it is essential to ensure that your work meets the requirements that your teacher has set. Read through the information provided carefully and make sure you understand what is expected of you. Once you have a clear understanding of the topic of your assessment, you can begin to think about the criteria which your work must adhere to. Assessment criteria virtually always include aspects such as evidence, analysis, argumentation and referencing.

When it comes to evidence, be sure to provide facts and examples to support any claims or theories you make. Remember to use a range of sources and to back up your concepts with relevant data and research. For example, if you are explaining a political event, cite a few different sources to provide a comprehensive overview.

Analysis is also key. Make sure you explain the significance of the evidence you present, don’t just state facts. Think critically and contextualize the evidence within your field of study. Proper referencing is also essential, and must be done accurately in order to avoid penalties. Explain the relevance of each source and provide attribution where necessary.

Once you have these components in place you can focus on the argument and structure of your essay. Ask yourself questions such as ‘does my argument flow logically?’ and ‘am I adequately answering the question?’. When structuring your work, ensure there is a clear introduction, main body and conclusion. Furthermore, ensure that the number of words suggested has been met.

In conclusion, meeting assessment criteria is a fundamental part of producing a successful internal assessment. Ensure you read instructions thoroughly and provide a range of evidence to back up any claims you make. Present this evidence in a logical and organized way, and reference any sources used correctly. If you follow these guidelines, you should produce a well-crafted assessment that receives high marks.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Writing a Global Politics Internal Assessment

When writing a global politics internal assessment, there are some common mistakes to avoid. These will help ensure that you get the highest marks possible and that your work is up to IB standards.

1. Poor Research Process

One of the most important steps in writing a successful internal assessment is conducting thorough research. This means taking the time to come up with a good research question, developing a strategy for researching, and critically analyzing the sources. Failing to do this properly can lead to an assessment that is only superficial in its analysis or reliant on unreliable or outdated sources.

2. Not Answering the Question

Make sure you read the assessment criteria carefully and that your work actually answers the question or meets the requirements set out in the criteria. If you are unsure of what is being asked, ask your teacher for clarification.

3. Poor Structure

Your internal assessment should be well-structured and organized. Don’t just jump into writing without creating an outline first. An outline will help keep your thoughts straight and allow you to structure your essay in a logical way.

4. Not Citing Sources

Any evidence used in your internal assessment should be properly cited and referenced. This is essential to making sure you are not plagiarizing someone else’s work and to demonstrate that you have done the necessary research. Failing to cite your sources correctly could lead to your assessment being rejected or even worse, expelled from school.

5. Not Proofreading

Finally, don’t forget to proofread your work. Read over your internal assessment carefully to make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes. This can make your work seem sloppy and could cost you marks.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your global politics internal assessment is of the highest standard and that you get the highest marks possible. Taking the time to understand the assessment criteria, conducting thorough research and citing your sources correctly are all essential steps in creating a successful assessment piece.


Completing a global politics internal assessment is a great way to explore the world of politics and develop important research and analysis skills. In this guide, we have discussed the importance of selecting suitable topics, outlined the benefits of studying global politics, explained the research process and provided examples of internal assessments.

To summarize, it is essential to choose a research question that is well-focused and answerable. Make sure to link the topic to one or more other disciplines and select theories that best explain your chosen topic. Additionally, don’t forget to use credible sources, reference correctly, and use an effective writing structure that follows the assessment criteria closely. Lastly, pay close attention to the common mistakes to avoid when writing a global politics internal assessment.

Now it’s time to get started on your own project. Begin by brainstorming ideas and deciding on a focus. From there, start researching and outlining your arguments. Once you have these elements in place, you can start writing your internal assessment.

Good luck!

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a passionate educator, marketer, and management expert with over 15 years of experience in the education sector. After graduating from business school in 2016, Nick embarked on a journey to earn his PhD, fueled by his dedication to making education better for students everywhere. His extensive experience, beginning in 2008, has made him a trusted authority in the field.

Nick's groundbreaking article, published in Routledge's "Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization," showcases his keen insights and commitment to improving the educational landscape. Guided by his motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to simplify students' lives and promote efficiency in learning. His innovative ideas and leadership have helped transform countless educational experiences, setting him apart as a true pioneer in his field.

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